Articles Posted in Blood Testing

Blood Test Drunk Driving | Michigan DUI Attorney

When investigating a possible case of driving under the influence, the police may ask you for a sample of your breath or blood. Breath testing remains the most common type of chemical testing, but DUI blood tests are becoming more common.

If your blood is taken by law enforcement the purpose is to test if for alcohol or drugs. DUI cases involving blood are considered by most DUI lawyers to be more difficult to defend because blood test results are considered to be a more reliable.

If you are arrested in Michigan for drunk driving, and the police do not read you your implied consent rights, then under the right facts it might be possible to have the alcohol test thrown out.  To understand why, it’s important to first understand Michigan’s implied consent laws.

If you are arrested in Michigan for drunk driving then the police will be requesting that you give them a sample of your breath blood or urine.  Breath testing is the most common alcohol test in Michigan. Because an alcohol test is a search, the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment applies.

In very basic terms, the Fourth Amendment requires a warrant for any sort of search, including in the context of a Michigan drunk driving arrest.  However, there are exceptions to the warrant requirement, and the most common of them is consent.  So if the police ask you for a breath sample voluntarily, and you say “yes,” then there is no reason for the police to obtain a warrant.

How to Beat a DUI in Michigan

If you are facing drunk driving charges in Michigan, you might wonder if it is even possible to beat a DUI charge. The best defense attorneys know that the answer to this question is an enthusiastic yes!

Facing a DUI/OWI is never fun. The penalties can be severe, and include loss of driving privileges and even jail time. OWI charges are very hard to win, and if you’re serious about how to dismiss a DUI charge, then you’ll need to hire a top Michigan OWI Lawyer.

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