Articles Posted in Criminal Evidence

As was previously predicted, Large Language Model Generative Artificial Intelligence, (GAI) is advancing with remarkable speed. Hundreds of Billions of dollars are being spent by a multitude of technology companies all vying to be the best. China is in the race as well, and recently released DeepSeek R1. Referred to a “Sputnik moment” DeepSeek’s release has created a sense of urgency in Silicon Valley and Washington Alike.

In the midst of this environment, OpenAI has introduced a groundbreaking new feature that the call Operator. This new product transforms ChatGPT from a simple conversational assistant into something far more dynamic: an autonomous AI agent capable of executing multi-step legal tasks on its own. In their promotional materials, ChatGPT indicates that:

Operator can be asked to handle a wide variety of repetitive browser tasks such as filling out forms, ordering groceries, and even creating memes. The ability to use the same interfaces and tools that humans interact with on a daily basis broadens the utility of AI, helping people save time on everyday tasks while opening up new engagement opportunities for businesses.

If you’ve been charged with a crime in Michigan, you are probably wondering what will happen to you when you go to court. Understanding the the rules of criminal procedure in Michigan will help lower your anxiety and this guide is designed to give you a basic reference about what to expect after your case gets started in court.

Also covered in this comprehensive guide to criminal procedure are the steps that the case will go through before it ever gets to court. Understanding how cases begin is essential for anyone facing criminal allegations. The following information is for Michigan state cases.  For federal case procedure please see our companion article – What Are the Steps in a Federal Criminal Case?

Frequently Asked Questions About Michigan Criminal Procedure:

If you are charged with a felony in one of Michigan’s State courts, then you have a right to a preliminary examination. This hearing will take place after your probable cause conference. This probable cause conference must take place within 14 days of the arraignment.

A preliminary examination hearing is a hearing that takes place in the district court. The judge presiding over the hearing decides whether there is enough evidence for the case to proceed to the circuit court.

The main purpose of this hearing is to determine if the prosecutor can establish that there is a reasonable belief the defendant committed the crime in question.

discovery-in-criminal-case-scaled-e1683132062342-300x129In the United States, the discovery process in the criminal justice system is governed by federal and state laws and rules of criminal procedure. For example, Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 16 sets out the requirements for discovery in federal criminal cases. State criminal procedure rules may vary depending on the jurisdiction.

In general, the prosecution in a felony case is required to disclose to the defense any evidence or information that is material to the case. This includes witness statements, police reports, crime scene images, forensic reports, expert witness reports, and other documents. This is known as “disclosure” or “discovery” by the prosecution. The prosecutor must also disclose exculpatory evidence.

The criminal defense attorney is also required to disclose to the prosecution any evidence or information that they plan to use at trial. This also includes witness lists, expert reports, and other documents. This is known as “reciprocal discovery” or “reciprocal disclosure” by the defense. However, attorney work product is protected and not subject to disclosure.

badge-DOJIt can be difficult to know if you are under a federal investigation. However, if you are aware, there are several clues that you are under investigation by the Federal Government. One of them is the receipt of a target letter.

A target letter is a formal notification sent by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) to inform an individual that they are a target of a federal criminal investigation.

The letter typically provides information about the nature of the investigation. This might include the specific crime or crimes that Government suspects you of committing.

If you have reason to believe that you are under investigation for a crime in Michigan, it is in your best interest to seek the advice and representation of an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.

You may feel tempted to handle the matter on your own or wait until you have been formally charged with a crime. It is important to understand that the actions you take at this early stage can have a significant impact on the outcome of your criminal case.

If you are being investigated this only means that police officers are using many investigative tools against you as they are building a case. While you may not be facing criminal charges right now, you may well soon be notified that warrant for your arrest has been issued. You are better off hiring a criminal defense attorney now to protect your rights.

Michigan sex laws. To not run afoul of the statutory rape Michigan law, it is critical to review the Michigan “consent” laws. Every state enacts its own rape laws relating to the age at which a female can acquiesce to having sexual relations. Making the mistake of engaging in sexual intercourse can make that older person a sex offender

Michigan age laws. In various aspects of our lives, the Legislative branch of government has enacted laws that are meant to protect young people. An example of this is for laws controlling when teenagers can marry in the Great Lakes State, as well as when they can consume alcoholic beverages.

Michigan statutory rape laws. In Michigan, the statutory rape law is denominated “third degree sexual conduct.” Any person under age 16 cannot consent to have sex. Thus, the burden is on the other person to positively determine a sex participant’s actual age.

Jury nullification in Michigan can and does happen, which is when a jury judges the law instead of determining if a defendant is guilty of breraking that law.
Jury nullification occurs when a Michigan jury returns a verdict that is contrary to the law given them by the Judge. In a criminal case, jury nullification occurs when the jury, while believing the accused to be guilty, nevertheless return a verdict of not guilty.

Usually this happens when the jurors either don’t like the MI criminal law in question or don’t believe that the criminal law is being appropriately applied. When a jury does this they are thought to “judge” the law.

Jury Nullification Happened in Dr. Jack Kevorkian Trials

Michigam OWI lawyer Patrick Barone owns Barone Defense Fir m in Birmingham, MI. Here he discusses the age of consent (the legal age that a perron must be to have consensual relation with another human being.Your Michigan defense lawyer may ask you to obtain a character letter for court purposes.  This article explains how to format and write such a letter. You can share a link to this article with those you ask to write such letters.

While there are many suggestions here, what’s missing is a sample character letter or a form character letter.  This is because utilization of a form will cause all character letters to look substantially the same, and this defeats the whole purpose and is counter-productive.  Use of such forms is strictly discouraged.

Character Letters for Use During Plea Negotiations

Michigan’s criminal charges involving child pornography are rigorously enforced and harshly punished. For this reason, avoiding jail time on a child pornography (or, Child Sexually Abusive Material (CSAM), in Michigan) case can be extremely difficult.

This is true whether the case involves possession, distribution or production of material that includes a child engaging in a sex act of some kind. If you want to avoid jail time for a CSAM charge, then it is important to hire an experienced CSAM child pornography lawyer.

Michigan’s Law Regarding CSAM are Complex

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