If you are charged with a felony in Michigan, and have another felony conviction anywhere in the country, then the state will file a habitual notice to seek an enhanced sentence. In other words, if you have a prior felony conviction then the state will attempt to have that used against you at sentencing.
Basically, the way it works is this; felony cases in Michigan start at the district court. After the preliminary hearing is either held or waived, the case is sent to or “bound over” to the circuit court. The first thing that happens at the circuit court is the arraignment. If you have another felony conviction, then at the circuit court arraignment your attorney will be provided with a habitual notice. The purpose of the notice is to let you know that the maximum sentence on your charge will be raised depending on the number of your prior felony convictions. You can be a habitual second or third and so forth, all the way up to fourth. No matter how many priors you have, the habitual can only go up to fourth.
Each time your habitual goes up, the underlying maximum sentence goes up with it. So, for a second habitual offense the maximum sentence is raised to one and half times the underlying maximum. Here’s how it works; let’s say you are charged with a five-year felony, like a drunk driving third offense. If you have a prior felony, then the maximum possible sentence is not five years but seven and a half years.