Repeat Drunk Drivers in Barry County, Michigan Get Minimum 30 days in Jail
A Barry County Judge has indicated that he’s going to start cracking down on repeat drunk drivers by giving them a minimum of 30 days in jail.
Judge Michael Shipper was appointed by Governor Snyder in 2011 and is already tough on first-time offenders. Now he says he’s ready to be even tougher on repeat drunk drivers. He’s indicated that the 30-day sentences could be spread out over 15 weekends.
In Michigan, a second offense drunk driving charge is appropriate only where the offender has a prior offense within the prior 7 years. If the prior offense is more than seven years old the new offense will be considered a first offense. However, the same is not true for those drivers with two prior drunk driving offenses on their record. Michigan has a lifetime look back for drivers with three or more total drunk driving convictions. These drivers are considered felons and may face up to five years in prison.