Drunk Driving Lawyer: DUI DWI OWI Defense Attorney Near Me

This page on DUI defense law in Michigan covers OWI charges for both misdemeanors and felonies. Typically, a DUI is not a felony in Michigan. However, regardless of the charge, you should seek help from the top DUI lawyers in the state.

Approximately 95% of all drunk driving convictions in Michigan are misdemeanors. A felony charge occurs on a 3rd lifetime DUI, not the 4th DUI within 10 years as in most other states. Even for a first offense OWI, it’s crucial to limit your search to an exceptionally good DUI lawyer near me.

How serious is driving while intoxicated? Being arrested for a drunk driving offense is an unexpected and often traumatic experience.

Michigan DUI lawyer Patrick Barone leads the Barone Defense Firm and is partners with some of the best DUI attorneys who handle the toughest DUI cases.

A first offense DUI in Michigan can result in up to 93 days in jail. If the blood alcohol concentration BAC is very high (e.g., above 0.170 grams percent, or more than twice the legal limit), more jail time is likely in some Michigan courts.

Individuals charged with operating while intoxicated are often stigmatized and portrayed as irresponsible and dangerous. If convicted of OWI in Michigan, the defendant will also face a restricted license for 90 days.

Why Best DUI Lawyers Are in Such Demand on Arrests for OWI in Michigan

This page should convince most readers that trusting only the best DUI attorney near me is the path needed to minimize the impact of any Michigan OWI charge.

Implied consent law issues. Those who refused to take the post-arrest breath test must act quickly to minimize any loss of driving privileges, due to an implied consent violation. An administrative appeal must be properly filed within 14 days after arrest.

Many arrested Michiganders think of how this will affect their driving record with the Secretary of State’s Office, but the impact of being convicted for intoxicated driving extends far beyond that highly important concern. That is because the most harmful potential aspect is a prison sentence, for repeat offenders, with up to 5 years in prison for a felony conviction.

The truth is that over 2000 people per day in America are faced with these motor vehicle drunk driving cases. Plus, although the acronym used in Michigan is O.W.I., no major distinctions exist between DUI vs OWI in our state. The same is true for a DWI charge. Driving under the influence of drugs and driving under the influence of alcohol is also treated the same. All the best driving while drunk lawyers are aware of this.

Mi OWI law firm Barone Defense Firm has some of the best DUI lawyers in MI. We offer a free consultation.

Which OWI attorneys near me are the Best DUI Attorneys? In the Great Lakes State, they need an OWI defense attorney who is highly knowledgeable about operating a vehicle while under the influence cases. Michigan laws broadly prohibit being in actual physical control or operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated by alcohol or diving while impaired by a controlled substance.

Too poor to Retain Legal Counsel? These OWI in Michigan cases are so serious that indigent individuals have the right to have public defenders appointed. Every person needs good DUI lawyers nearby the court location for their representation, and a judge in your court can appoint a drunk driving defense attorney for your legal representation and try to help you stay out of jail.

Those who call our top OWI lawyers near me in Michigan are typically everyday citizens, law-abiding and hard-working. Their goal is to try to avoid a criminal conviction and license suspension by retaining a skilled D.U.I. defense lawyer near me to keep their criminal history clean.

MI OWI lawyer Patrick Barone defends all Michigan driver's after a DUI arrest, including first offense and repeat drunk driving cases.

Your Lawyer for DUI is a Criminal Defense lawyer in the Suburbs. Often, they think that the industry leader will be a Detroit DUI lawyer, but the best lawyer Michigan criminal defenders are out in the suburbs. Police officers in Detroit have other types of serious, violent crimes to handle, so the highest rated DUI criminal defense attorneys are located 30 to 50 miles out of the major city.

Driver License Suspension in OWI vs DUI Cases

Under Michigan’s laws, a driver arrested for intoxicated driving potentially faces an administrative license suspension for 180 days. By having legal counsel assist that driver to file an appeal within 14 days after arrest, this case be cut to 30 days, in most cases.

By possibly having had one drink too many, the person now faces DUI charges of driving while under the influence of alcoholic beverages and needs top quality legal representation. Making a mistake and now being charged with a DUI offense should not be followed by hiring the wrong defense attorney to handle this all-important case.

Finding the best drunk driving attorney Michigan. When law enforcement officers and state prosecutors try to paint you as a criminal, you need an experienced DUI attorney on your side who understands your situation your need to retain driving privileges. What if you could retain a top-quality law firm whose senior partner wrote the book on drunk driving laws in Michigan, as well as a national DUI-DWI book?

Our legal group leader, Patrick Barone, is a prolific legal book author with topics like Michigan DUI Law and MI Gun Law.

MI-DUI-Attorney Patrick Barone. You are on that very D.U.I. lawyer’s website! Why look further for other drunk driving lawyers near me when our Michigan law firm led by Patrick Barone has 7 top rated DUI lawyers near me to serve you and can guide you through the process with compassion and empathy?

Remember, drinking and driving is not illegal! Let our experienced Michigan OWI lawyers build a defense and ensure you know what to expect at each step of the legal process. Call today and schedule a consultation with our experienced DUI lawyers in Michigan who have defended thousands of DUIs.

For over two decades, the Michigan DUI lawyers at The Barone Defense Firm are focused on helping people win back their lives. That means assigning one of our excellent drunk driving attorneys near me to help you in restoring your life to the way it was prior to the DUI arrest problems that you encountered.

Our legal professionals are skilled in fighting field sobriety tests, flawed blood testing results, or a Datamaster breath alcohol test result.

The Best-Rated DUI Defense Attorney Near Me Who Knows Michigan OWI Laws

The legal blood alcohol content (BAC) limit for drivers over 21 in Michigan is 0.08 grams %. If you are found driving while having a BAC of this level or higher, you can be charged with operating while intoxicated or OWI.

The state’s Zero Tolerance law makes it a crime for underage drivers to operate a vehicle with a BAC above 0.02 grams percent. The state’s Super Drunk law makes it an even more serious crime to have a BAC at or above 0.17 grams %.

BAC is typically determined through a breath, blood, or urine chemical test. Please note that even if you refuse to submit to a chemical test, you can still be charged with drunk driving and face penalties and a suspended drivers’ license.

Though the specific punishments will depend on several individual case factors, a person convicted of impaired or intoxicated driving can typically expect jail time, fines, and court costs. In addition, some type of driver’s license sanction will occur upon conviction, making it imperative that an OWI attorney in Michigan is contacted.

See the Michigan OWI Penalties Infographic Set Forth Below:

This Michigan DUI penalties chart lists the conviction penalties for different levels of drunk driving charges., including jail time, court fines, probation and community service.

Legal Fee Payment Plans and Free Lawyer Consultation

Our legal team of drunk driving defense lawyers offers flexible payment plans to suit our clients’ budgets. Additionally, our Michigan OWI attorneys offer free, confidential one-hour case consultations in person or over the phone. Even if you don’t hire us, contact us, and let us hear your story and help you in any way we can.

If you refused to take a Michigan DUI breath, blood, or urine test after being arrested you have 14 days from the date of your driving under the influence arrest to try and save your driver's license from being suspended.

WARNING! MICHIGAN 14 DAY LIMIT – If you refused to take a breath, blood, or urine test after being arrested for Driving Under the Influence, OWI, OWVI, or other drinking related charge in Michigan, your license is at risk of being suspended.

Failing to take appropriate action within 14 days after your arrest can cause you to lose all ability to drive in Michigan. You must let us help you demand an administrative hearing. Get more information about saving your driver’s license NOW before it’s too late, since this deadline cannot be extended.

Let our experienced Michigan OWI lawyers build a defense and ensure you know what to expect at each step of the legal process. Call today and schedule a consultation with our experienced Michigan DUI lawyers. En Español. Anyone who reaches out to our office via contact form, text, or voicemail for a FREE consultation with an OWI lawyer near them will have their information kept confidential by our legal firm.

Contact us 24 hours a day at our criminal defense law firm’s easy to remember toll-free number, 1-877-ALL-MICH or 877-255-6424, for a free criminal case review. The Michigan DUI attorneys near me at Barone Defense Firm travel the entire Great Lakes State, to help citizens in legal trouble for intoxicated driving in Michigan.

The theme of Barone defense Firm is "Excellence in Criminal Defense." Our legal professionals near me do not care how other firms operate their law offices. Our goal is to do all possible for each client facing criminal law charges.

Common Misspellings of DUI-OWI Phrases in Michigan Online Searches:

DUI attourney

DUI atorney

OWI layer

OWI laywer

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