Former Mob Prosecutor Keith Corbett Says Netflix Irishman Misleads About Hoffa’s Disappearance.

Barone Defense Firm attorney Keith Corbett spent most of his career putting away Detroit’s most notorious mobsters. As the Chief of the Organized Crime Strike Force for the United States Attorney’s Office, Corbett was responsible for helping to put away some of the biggest players in Detroit’s top crime families, including Tocco and Zerilli. After a couple decades as a mob prosecutor working with these cases, and in the course of it, immersing himself in the history and culture of La Cosa Nostra, it’s no wonder he’s been repeatedly interviewed regarding the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa. With the release of the Netflix original The Irishman, a Martin Scorsese film starring Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci, the public’s interest in knowing more about this topic is once again piqued, leading to a flurry of more recent interviews.

According to Channel Four News, Corbett “was the prosecutor who sent both Zerilli and Tocco to prison.” Having prosecuted them, Corbett has an idea of the ill-will that might exist between them and told Channel Four News that Tocco blames Zerilli for his conviction and incarceration.  So maybe Tocco had a reason to lie about Jimmy Hoffa being buried on Zerilli’s property?

On the other hand, in a WJR interview, Corbett doubted Hoffa’s good friend Charles O’Brien had anything to do with his disappearance.  “I don’t think Chuckie was involved, he’s not the kind of guy you want,” Corbett said regarding Hoffa’s disappearance.

For a lengthy YouTube interview about just how misleading Netflix’s original, The Irishman really is, see:

As someone who lived and breathed the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) for decades, few lawyers are better positioned to talk about things like Hoffa, the Irishman, and all things Mafia related.  It also makes Corbett an ideal consultant on General Motors civil RICO lawsuit against Fiat Chrysler.  Rico is a law that can lay the predicate for both criminal as well as civil litigation.  It’s the same law, except with civil litigation the issue is money whereas with criminal litigation the end game is usually incarceration, although restitution might also be a part of a criminal defendant’s sentence.

Corbett can be reached for interviews as well as civil or criminal RICO representation at the Barone Defense Firm.  Call or complete a Free Consultation web form today.

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