Heartburn Can Falsely Raise Breath Test Results
If you’ve been arrested for drunk driving in Michgian, you were probably given a breath test. If you have heartburn, then the test result can be wrong, and that’s a big problem. Even a small difference in your breath test reading can be the difference between being charged and being let go.
The most serious form of of heartburn is called GERD. (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) This kind of heartburn can cause a falsely high reading on a breath test instrument used to measure breath or blood alcohol levels in intoxicated driving cases because of the way alcohol is metabolized and processed in the body.
Michigan just introduced a new breath test instrument called the Intoxilyzer 9000, and even though this is the latest and greatest, heartburn and GERD is still a problem that can lead to falsely high breath test results. Here’s why.