Prosecutor Challenges One-Year Jail Sentence for Drunk Driving Causing Death Case
In Michigan, a charge of drunk driving causing death is punishable by up to 15 years in prison. This possible sentence is set forth in Michigan Complied Laws 257.625(4)(a). In determining exactly what sentence to impose for an individual case a judge will be looking at many factors, including the Michigan Sentencing Guidelines.
A recent case dealing with this issue is People v. Taylor. In this particular case the defendant Taylor was found guilty of drunk driving causing death. The facts were that Taylor admitted drinking, then while driving a car killed a person on a bicycle. He failed field sobriety tests and was over the legal limit.
The sentencing guideline range was 29 – 57 months. Taylor’s defense attorney filed a sentencing memorandum where he requested a downward departure from these guidelines. He argued that there were substantial and compelling reasons to do so, including his lack of criminal history, education, employment history, remorse and many other factors. The prosecutor, of course, argued that none of this mattered.