New Technology Promises to End Drunk Driving in Michigan
A recent USA Today article describes two different technologies that promise to end the occurrence of drunk driving in Michigan within 5 to 8 years. These include a breath monitoring system that does not require the driver to breathe into a tube, and a sort of fingerprint monitor that measures alcohol through the skin.
The first technology measures the breath of the driver by drawing it into a chamber that compares the amount of carbon dioxide in the breath to the amount of ethanol. Once the ratio passes a certain point, the car won’t start. According to the article the device uses infrared light to make the measurements, the same type of technology used to determine a driver’s bodily alcohol content through breath testing in a drunk driving case in Michigan.
Relative to this particular technology the article is silent relative to how the monitoring device “knows” that it is measuring the driver’s breath alcohol rather than a passenger’s breath alcohol. The article also fails to address what will happen if the ration is below when the car starts but gets above as the car is being operated. Will the car make the driver pull over and stop operating? If so, then can a sober passenger take over?