Amnesty Policy for Alcohol-Related Student Offenses
The amnesty policy for Michigan alcohol-related student offenses is designed for students to get medical attention when they become dangerously intoxicated. Such policies could prevent injury to one's self and even prevents potential deaths. However, students are reluctant in reporting such activity due to the fact that they may get in trouble themselves.
The benefits of having such a policy have a lot to do with the safety and well being of the students. However, this does not mean that the student may not incur any medical costs that arises from their excessive alcohol consumption.
If you have any more questions about this policy or anything else that may be related to alcohol-related offenses, speak with an experienced Michigan attorney for more information. A lawyer could also provide you with help in areas that are seen fit.
Amnesty PolicyThe amnesty policy for Michigan alcohol-related student offenses is aimed to get medical help for students in need of it. However, the problem with some of these amnesty policies is that it may not seem like an attractive option towards people who illegally provided the alcohol, even though they may need medical attention as well. The fear that arises with some of these students is the fear that they may get in trouble of underage drinking or providing alcohol to minors.
Although this may be a very common fear that students have, that fear is minute in comparison to the potential injuries a person may receive from not reporting excessive alcohol consumption. A student must understand the gravity of the situation that they may find themselves in and act in a manner that is best for the person at-risk. Legal matters can be settled later, but if a person's well being is in danger, a person should try their best to get them the medical attention they need.
Benefits of Having an Amnesty PolicyThe amnesty policy for Michigan alcohol-related student offenses can be beneficial to someone who is getting sick. This may include someone who might have drank too much and needs medical attention. However, most students who become sick from an over-consumption of alcohol may be too intoxicated to even realize that they need help. They could also be incapacitated and are not able to physically get someone's attention.
Due to this reluctance or inability to get help, there are numerous alcohol-related deaths on college campuses. Many of these deaths could have been prevented had the aid been available. Many times these victims are left somewhere unsupervised, either because they are inebriated or impaired, or they are left in a room somewhere. By making the amnesty policy more available to players in need, these deaths could potentially be prevented.
Paying for Medical CostsThere are instances where the university may have the ability to transport somebody via a university-owned vehicle. However, if someone needs to be taken to the hospital and they are transported via an ambulance, the student must pay for the cost. There is a very small chance that the university may incur such a cost. These costs may not be totally covered or addressed in the amnesty policy for Michigan alcohol-related student offenses.