Birmingham White-Collar Lawyer
While white-collar crimes typically involve no violence or physical harm to others, both state and federal prosecutors may expend significant resources investigating and prosecuting white-collar crimes. As a result, the penalties for white-collar criminal offenses can be extremely harsh. If you are accused of white-collar crime, it may be advantageous to contact a Birmingham white-collar lawyer.
White-collar criminal investigations tend to be complex and encompass a great deal of documentary evidence, and they may go on for extremely long periods of time. If you learn that you are the subject of such an investigation, getting legal advice from an aggressive federal defense attorney right away can help you secure a favorable outcome to your case.
Defining White-Collar Offenses in BirminghamThe term “white-collar crimes” encompasses a range of criminal behavior in which individuals obtain funds or valuable property from others, normally through some sort of deceit. While these criminal offenses do not involve any type of violence or physical harm, they are typically carried out by individuals in the course of their employment or in a position of trust who are seeking personal gain at another party or entity’s expense.
Some of the more common types of white-collar crimes may include:
- Employee fraud and embezzlement
- Healthcare, bank, and mortgage fraud
- Money laundering and tax fraud
- Insider trading and stock fraud
White-collar crimes commonly occur among real estate agents, mortgage brokers, medical personnel, investment advisors, accountants, and stockbrokers, among others. As such, people in these specific industries are accused of white-collar crimes more often than others and accordingly may more often need the services of a skilled Birmingham white-collar attorney.
Penalties for White-Collar Criminal ActivityThe penalties for white-collar crimes in Birmingham vary according to the nature of the offense and the value of the property involved. To differing extents depending on the specific charge, a conviction for a white-collar crime could result in a prison sentence, payment of fines and restitution, loss of professional licenses, and a permanent criminal record.
Depending on the situation, white-collar crimes may result in felony or misdemeanor charges. In the wake of a felony conviction, you may lose the right to serve on a jury, the right to possess and carry firearms or ammunition, and other important civil rights.
Given the potential severity of these penalties, individuals accused of committing non-violent criminal offenses may wish to consult an attorney experienced with handling white-collar cases in Birmingham right away. Even if you do not face extensive prison time or large fines, a conviction could result in the loss of your job and your credibility, and a damaged reputation that could severely hamper or end your career in your chosen industry.
Handle Charges with a Birmingham White-Collar AttorneySince white-collar crimes often involve professionals and experienced businesspeople, many accused parties make the mistake of attempting to handle matters on their own. White-collar criminal prosecutions are rarely simple enough for someone who is not a legal expert to handle efficiently.
Rather than simply pleading guilty or accepting the first plea agreement you are offered, you may benefit from consulting with a seasoned Birmingham white-collar lawyer. By understanding the evidence against you, an attorney can help develop a stronger defense strategy for your case.
To get a clear assessment of the charges against you and your legal options, call today and set up a consultation. Taking this step may help you to get ahead of the situation and avoid making any mistakes or statements that put your freedom, reputation, and rights at risk.