If you’ve been charged with a crime in Michigan, you are probably wondering what will happen to you when you go to court. Understanding the the rules of criminal procedure in Michigan will help lower your anxiety and this guide is designed to give you a basic reference about what…
Articles Posted in OWI
Conditions of Bond During Pretrial Release in Michigan
Michigan and Federal criminal and Constitutional law provides that when a person is arrested and charged with a crime, they have the opportunity to seek release from custody by posting bail or bond. Your bond and any conditions of your pretrial release will be considered when you are first brought…
Intoxilyzer 9000 – Michigan’s New Breath Test Instrument
Effective immediately, the Intoxilizer 9000 is replacing the DataMaster DMT as Michigan’s new breath test instrument. If you are arrested for DUI in Michigan, the chances are good your breath will be tested on a 9000. If you were over the legal limit, then keep in mind that a top…
Legal Limit for Michigan DUI: .08% BAC Over 21
By Patrick Barone, Michigan DUI Lawyer Near Me The legal limit in all states except Utah is 0.08 grams percent. It will take about three to four standard drinks to raise most people’s blood alcohol concentration to 0.08 grams %. But, that number of drinks, if consumed rapidly by chugging…
Drunk Driving Lawyer: DUI DWI OWI Defense Attorney Near Me
This page on DUI defense law in Michigan covers OWI charges for both misdemeanors and felonies. Typically, a DUI is not a felony in Michigan. However, regardless of the charge, you should seek help from the top DUI lawyers in the state. Approximately 95% of all drunk driving convictions in…
How to Avoid Jail Time for a 3rd DUI Michigan
Have you ever wondered what happens if you get convicted of a Michigan 3rd DUI? A 3rd Offense DUI is a potential disaster. Callers to our OWI law office want to know answers to questions like, “When will I be getting my license back after a 3rd DUI Michigan,” and “How long…
How to Get a DUI Expunged in Michigan
Even a single Michigan DUI conviction can cause great hardship. It creates a permanent public record. This can impact employment, insurance, sense of well-being, and many other things. If you want to have your DUI conviction in Michigan expunged, we have good news because expungement of drunk driving convictions has…
Michigan DUI/OWI – How to Stay Out of Jail
Even a person convicted of a first offense DUI/OWI in Michigan with no prior record faces the possibility of up to 93 days in jail, and judges in some courts are well known for putting first-time offenders in jail. Also, repeat drunk drivers may face up to five years in…
What Happens to My CDL if I’m Convicted of Drunk Driving?
If you hold a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) and face a drunk driving conviction in Michigan, the consequences can be severe and far-reaching. Understanding the potential impacts on your CDL is crucial for safeguarding your livelihood and planning your defense strategy. The exact nature of these implications will depend…
OWI vs DUI: An OWI Charge in Michigan & the DUI Legal Term
Driving a vehicle while intoxicated is a serious criminal offense across the United States. In the United States, and in no other nation, this crime is not always called a “DUI,” but D.U.I. is America’s most widely used abbreviation for this common driving crime. Broadly stated, the crime best known…