
Articles Posted in OWI


Preparing for Court When Pleading Guilty

Most of the time if you are pleading guilty it is because your lawyer has successfully engaged in plea bargaining with the prosecutor. Consequently, preparation for court when pleading guilty really begins to take place almost as soon as you first hire your lawyer. Therefore, the total preparation will take…


What is a Probable Cause Conference in Michigan?

A probable cause conference is a court hearing that precedes the preliminary examination. Both hearings are part of what are more broadly referred to as your due process rights. Your attendance at a probable cause conference is mandatory. Both you and your attorney will usually receive the initial date for…


Early Discharge on Probation for an Operating While Intoxicated in Michigan

Early Discharge on OWI Probation in Michigan The Michigan DUI Lawyers at the Barone Defense Firm have be advising our clients in Oakland County and throughout the State of Michigan, that if you are convicted of operating while intoxicated (OWI) then you should expect to be placed on a term…


What is Proximate Causation in a Michigan Drunk Driving Causing Death Case

Michigan Drunk Driving Lawyer Explains Proximate Causation What is Proximate Cause? A drunk driving causing death case always involves allegations that (1) a person was driving a motor vehicle, (2) while intoxicated, (3) the operation of the motor vehicle caused the death of another. As previously described, proving the “vehicle…


Michael Boyle Explains How He Will Help You Decide if Trial is Your Best Option

Being charged with a crime is most certainly one of the most traumatic events you can experience, and then attempting to retain the right attorney or law firm might also feel like a daunting task. The Criminal Defense Trial Attorneys at the Barone Defense Firm understand that difficulty and that…


Michigan Drunk Driving Case Dismissed After Anonymous 911 Call Ruled Insufficient to Support Traffic Stop

Michigan drivers are sometimes stopped under suspicion of intoxicated driving after a concerned citizen calls 911. The validity of these traffic stops are highly fact-specific, and depending on exactly what is reported to 911, the stop may or may not be sufficient to support a DUI conviction. One case in…


Penalties Michigan’s Super Drunk High BAC .17%

Michigan’s Super Drunk Driving Law went into effect on October 31, 2010.  It created enhanced punitive and driver license sanctions for Michigan drunk drivers with a Bodily Alcohol Content (BAC) of .17 gerams % or above. It only applies to first offense drunk driving as penalties and driver license sanctions…


Drivers with Marijuana in their System are Less Likely to Cause Accidents than Drivers with a .05 BAC

A new comprehensive study on the effects of marijuana use and driving has demonstrated that the use of marijuana has far less impact on driving than does the use of alcohol. Despite the fact that the emerging science suggests that drivers can use marijuana and operate their vehicles safely, the…


Advanced Impaired Driving Technology Could Begin Stopping Drunk Drivers in Two Years

On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed into law the bipartisan Investment Infrastructure and Jobs Act (IIJA). This new law contains a provision requiring that all passenger vehicles eventually be equipped with technology that will stop drunk drivers. New cars may start utilizing such technology immediately, but the law won’t…

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