In some drunk driving cases you will immediately know that charges are being filed. For example, there was a traffic stop, field sobriety tests and a preliminary breath test (PBT), an arrest, and a subsequent breath test at the police station. Then, when you leave the police station you’ll have…
Articles Posted in OWI
What to Expect When You Plead Guilty to a Crime in Michigan
If you have been charged with a crime in Michigan, you will have to decide if you should plead guilty or go to trial. You should make this decision only with the assistance of your Michigan criminal lawyer near me, who can explain to you the advantages of the plea…
Can Drunk Driving be Charged as Murder in Michigan Where Death Occurs?
Can Drunk Driving be Charged as Murder in Michigan Where Death Occurs? Whenever a death occurs at the hands of another, a prosecutor must decide how to charge the wrongdoer. In several Michigan cases involving intoxicated drivers where a death has occurred prosecutors have successfully charged murder. Generally, the appropriate…
Michigan Drunk Driving Arrest Can Lead to Job Loss
After a Michigan drunk driving arrest, the first thing on many people’s minds is: will I lose my job? A recent story in the Detroit Free Press details how for many, the unfortunate answer is yes. As the article explains, a public safety director for a city in Michigan was…
Can I be Charged with DUI for Driving an Off-Road Vehicle in Michigan?
It is common knowledge that driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated is against the law in Michigan. But, what if you’re on an off-road vehicle (ORV) on a trail? What if you’re on an ORV on a roadway intended for motor vehicles? Well, a recent case in Michigan reminds us…
Barone Scheduled to Teach Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyers About New Roadside Drug Testing Laws
The Criminal Defense Attorney Association of Michigan (CDAM) has asked Michigan DUI Lawyer Patrick Barone to present a 1-hour Webinar to criminal defense lawyers seeking to learn about recent changes to Michigan law impacting how intoxicated driving cases are investigated at the roadside. The seminar, entitled Michigan Law Update: Roadside…
Defending Drinking Drivers 2024 Update Now Available
2024 Edition – Defending Drinking Drivers The Barone Defense Firm is pleased to announce that the 2024 Edition of Patrick Barone’s Defending Drinking Drivers is now available from the publisher, Amazon, and wherever fine books are sold. Known as “revision 40,” the current Edition contains many new sections and model…
Will Covid-19 Face Masks Lead to More DUI Arrests in Michigan?
With new cases of Covid-19 continuing to escalate in Michigan, on July 10, 2020, Governor Whitmer responded with Executive Order 2020-147, which indicates that “[A]ny individual who leaves their home or place of residence must wear a face covering over their nose and mouth.” The Order further provides that masks…
Michigan Open Container Law | Michigan Criminal Law Attorney
Open Container Law Michigan | Open Intoxicants Motor Vehicle A person in Michigan is guilty of a misdemeanor if they transport or possess alcoholic liquor in a container that is open or uncapped or upon which the seal is broken within the passenger area of a motor vehicles. However, the…
More Police Officers Trained to Use Roadside Drug Tests to Make DUI Arrests in Michigan
There are 32 new drug recognition “experts” (DRE) qualified to make DUI arrests in Michigan. Only a trained DRE may administer the saliva tests in a DRE DUI investigation. Including this new crop of 32 DREs, there are currently 157 a total of DRE trained officers in Michigan. The use…