
Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


What to Expect as your Case Moves Through the Michigan Juvenile Criminal Court

The criminal procedure applicable to the Michigan Juvenile Criminal Courts is similar to but much different from the procedures utilized and applicable to the Michigan Adult Criminal Courts. The purpose of this article is to give a brief yet concise summary of these differences. If you are charged as an…


Understanding and Defending a SCRAM Violation in Michigan

Note: what follows is a summary recapitulation of Michigan DUI Lawyer Mike Boyle’s CDAM presentation.  Lawyers wishing to know more about how to defend an alleged SCRAM violation may wish to review these materials for more in-depth information: Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring, or SCRAM, is an alcohol monitoring tether…


Would Kyle Rittenhouse Have Been Acquitted in Michigan?

The only way to know the answer to this question would be to actually try the case in front of a Michigan Jury. One thing for certain however is that Kyle Rittenhouse would have been allowed to raise a claim of self defense had the case happened here in Michigan.…


How to Defend an Alleged SCRAM Violation According to Boyle

Barone Defense Firm Partner and Senior Trial Attorney Michael J. Boyle recently was one of the guest presenters at the Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan (CDAM) Fall Conference at Boyne Mountain.  The annual seminar was attended by hundreds of criminal defense attorneys from throughout the State of Michigan. CDAM is…


Should Michigan Drunk Drivers Causing Death Be Forced to Pay Child Support?

As Michigan’s drunk driving laws have continued to evolve, the range and type of punishment upon conviction has continued to increase over time. In the 70s when DUI laws were just beginning to be taken more seriously by drivers, police, prosecutors, and judges alike, punishment was usually limited to a…


How to Permanently Lose your Firearms Rights in One Simple Step

Over the years of defending “criminals” I have encountered many honest citizens who have made a simple mistake and now find themselves facing felony charges, prison time, the loss of career, and the loss of their 2nd Amendment rights, simply by making a mistake in understanding how they should transport…


Michigan DUI Attorney Michael Boyle Moderates Legal Seminar on Blood Alcohol Testing

Michigan drivers arrested under suspicion of intoxicated driving will have their bodily drug and alcohol levels tested by the police. When drugs including marijuana are suspected, a police officer will see if that distinct marijuana smell is present. Many OWI lawyers near  me wrongly believe that DUI cases involving blood…


Child Pornography Lawyer Explains When Police May Search Your Phone

Americans value their privacy. It is considered a right. Americans especially value the right to privacy from government intrusions. The Constitution’s 4th Amendment requires probable cause for a warrant to search or seize a person’s belongings. This is also where we find our right to privacy. Does the Right to…

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