
Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Does Michigan CPL Shooter Who Killed Armed Gunman Have a Viable Self Defense Claim?

Recent Mlive news reports that a Michigan CPL (Concealed Pistol License) holder shot and killed a gunman who was “seen firing gunshots into the air and pointing a handgun at motorists.”  Will the CPL holder literally get away with murder, or will he go to prison?  The question depends on…


More Police Officers Trained to Use Roadside Drug Tests to Make DUI Arrests in Michigan

There are 32 new drug recognition “experts” (DRE) qualified to make DUI arrests in Michigan. Only a trained DRE may administer the saliva tests in a DRE DUI investigation. Including this new crop of  32 DREs, there are currently 157 a total of DRE trained officers in Michigan. The use…


FBI Raid Leads to Several Medicare and Medicaid Prescription Fraud Charges

As part of an ongoing investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigations, several of Michigan’s pharmacists have been charged with Medicare and Medicaid Prescription Fraud.  The allegations include claims that at least one scheme lead to the defrauding of the Federal Government of more than five million dollars. Further, that…


Will Sales of Carry-Out Cocktails Increase Instances of Michigan Drunk Driving?

Allowing the sale of pre-made cocktails and other types of alcoholic beverages to be sold carry-out may increase the numbers of drunk drivers on Michigan’s roads. However, because the answer to how carry out liquor sales will impact instances of DUI is not clear-cut, only time will tell if this…


Top Michigan DUI Lawyer Predicts that Drunk Driving Arrests Will Skyrocket Starting in June

How Much is Legal Limit to Drive in Michigan? For most drivers the legal limit to drive in Michigan is .08. For people under the age of 21, Michigan has zero tolerance, which is legally defined as .02 or above. Commercial drivers, such as truckers and limousine drivers, can’t have…


My Michigan DUI Case is Waiting on Blood Test Results. Do I Need to Hire a Lawyer Right Away?

Driving under the influence (DUI), or in Michigan Operating While Intoxicated (OWI), is usually charged using a breath test result. However, due to the recently discovered breath testing fraud, more often Michigan DUI cases are charged using a blood test result.  Breath test results are available immediately after the test…


Government Claims Mandatory Use of Interlocks Will End Drunk Driving by 2024

Almost since the uniform adoption of the automobile in the early 20th Century, drunk driving has been a vexing problem. After World War II, as the population began to move to the suburbs and the two-car garage become standard, instances of drunk driving increased. A couple decades later, Mothers Against…

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