
Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


What is a Preliminary Examination in Michigan?

If you are charged with a felony in one of Michigan’s State courts, then you have a right to a preliminary examination. This hearing will take place after your probable cause conference. This probable cause conference must take place within 14 days of the arraignment. A preliminary examination hearing is…


Conditions of Bond During Pretrial Release in Michigan

Michigan and Federal criminal and Constitutional law provides that when a person is arrested and charged with a crime, they have the opportunity to seek release from custody by posting bail or bond. Your bond and any conditions of your pretrial release will be considered when you are first brought…


Criminal Discovery: What it is and How it is Used by the Defense

In the United States, the discovery process in the criminal justice system is governed by federal and state laws and rules of criminal procedure. For example, Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 16 sets out the requirements for discovery in federal criminal cases. State criminal procedure rules may vary depending on…


Target Letters from a Federal Government Investigation

It can be difficult to know if you are under a federal investigation. However, if you are aware, there are several clues that you are under investigation by the Federal Government. One of them is the receipt of a target letter. A target letter is a formal notification sent by…


Definition of Criminal Sexual Conduct in Michigan

Sex crimes in Michigan consist of four degrees of criminal sexual conduct (CSC). Each carries varying levels of severity and potential penalties. The four degrees of CSC are outlined in Michigan’s Penal Code and cover a range of sexual acts, including penetration, touching, and verbal communication. This article will explain…


Under Police Investigation But Have Not Charged in Michigan

If you have reason to believe that you are under investigation for a crime in Michigan, it is in your best interest to seek the advice and representation of an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. You may feel tempted to handle the matter on your own or…

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