
Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Michigan Sees Drastic Decrease in DUI Arrests Due to Governor’s Shelter in Place Order

Michigan has been particularly hard hit by Covid-19, and our Governor Gretchen Whitmer has responded with a series of executive orders effectively ordering residents into house arrest. Under the most recent shelter in place Executive Order 2020-42, citizens are allowed to leave their homes only for things necessary to sustain…

Posted In: OWI

Michigan’s Shelter in Place is the Perfect Time to Get Your Driving Privileges Restored!

At the Barone Defense we help people who have lost their license due to multiple drunk driving convictions, and we continue to help people get their driving privileges back even during the Governor’s shelter in place order.  According to Ryan Ramsayer, the Firm’s driver license restoration expert: This is a…


Barone Defense Firm Offers Free Estate Planning to Michigan’s First Responders

The United States just earned the unfortunate statistic of having the world’s most confirmed cases of Covid-19. While the virus does not discriminate, it does disproportionately impact certain members of our communities, including those who have dedicated their careers and perhaps literally, their lives, to helping all of us. These…


Former Federal Prosecutor Says DEA Knew More Than They Claimed About Informant’s Background

It has been widely reported in a rather sensational story that a 6-time murderous drug dealer from the City of Detroit avoided jail by becoming a DEA informant. The big questions are what did the DEA know about their informant’s background, and did the information he provided justify the informant’s…

Posted In: OWI
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