If you are interested in obtaining one of Michigan’s five commercial Medical Marijuana licenses, then as part of the application process you will need to demonstrate that you have the financial ability to obtain and maintain adequate premises liability and casualty insurance for its proposed marihuana facility. See MCL §…
Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog
How Not to Obtain a Commercial Medical Marijuana Permit in Michigan!
Last year Michigan passed sweeping legislation ushering in the age of commercial medical marijuana. There are five different kinds of commercial licenses available, including those needed to commercially grow, transport and sell marijuana. The administrative rules have yet to be written, so it’s not clear exactly how many licenses will…
The Misleading Concept of Alcohol Tolerance in Michigan DUI Cases
Many judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys have mistaken beliefs about alcohol tolerance. In a drunk driving trial, these mistaken beliefs can lead to misleading arguments which might further lead to wrongful convictions. A recent article from the peer-reviewed science journal article Psychopharmacology[i] helps support a defense lawyer’s attempt to preclude…
Driver’s License Sanctions for First Offense Drunk Driving Convictions in Michigan
If you have never been arrested for drunk driving before in Michigan, or anywhere else in the country, then there are three possible drunk driving charges in Michigan. The driver’s license sanction for each offense is described below. High BAC/Super Drunk OWI According to Michigan’s Criminal Code, section 257.625(c) a…
Barone to Present a Michigan State Bar OWI Seminar
Barone Defense Firm founding partner Patrick T. Barone has been asked to present at the upcoming Solo and Small Firm Drunk Driving Update. This seminar, presented by the Michigan State Bar, will take place Thursday, May 22, 2017 from 6:00 – 8:00. The location is at the Western Michigan University…
Boyle Presents at Drugged Driving Seminar in Lansing Michigan
Imagine you have done nothing wrong but for a minor moving violation. You have not been drinking. You have not consumed any prescription or illegal drugs. You tell the officer the truth. But then you are arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence. This was the very unfortunate circumstance…
Where May I Carry My Concealed Weapon in Michigan?
If you have a concealed pistol license in Michigan, then you are free to carry your concealed weapon throughout the state. This means you can carry a gun with you while driving on streets or freeways, including rest areas, while shopping, eating at certain restaurants while walking in fairs and…
How to Obtain a Concealed Pistol License in Michigan
On July 1, 2001, Michigan’s new concealed carry law went into effect. With this new law, Michigan effectively became a “shall issue” state, meaning everyone not otherwise excluded by law is entitled to obtain a license allowing them to carry a concealed weapon. To obtain a concealed pistol license or…
Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Throws out .20 Breath Test on Felony Drunk Driving
An Oakland County Circuit Court Judge recently suppressed a DataMaster .20 evidentiary breath test result on a felony drunk driving case. The judge suppressed the breath test because the police officer who administered the test failed to follow the laws and rules intended to assure that breath tests are reliable. …
Should I Refuse the Field Sobriety Tests?
If you are stopped and the police smell alcohol or marijuana, then there’s a good chance you will be asked to step out of the car to perform field sobriety tests. If you fail one or more of these tests, then you will probably be arrested for OWI, or Operating…