
Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


How to Avoid a False Positive on Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices

Michigan drivers arrested or convicted of drunk driving might be ordered to have a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID) installed on their car. Some judges will require a BAIID to be installed as a condition of bond.  Other times, a BAIID can be a condition of probation. With a…


History Repeated: The Resemblance Between Medical Marijuana and Alcohol Prescriptions During Prohibition

In history there’s an adage that what’s old is new again.  This certainly seems to be the case with Michigan’s Medical Marijuana act which allows a caregiver to legally sell marijuana to a patient bearing a valid prescription.  Otherwise, it is illegal to sell, use or possess marijuana. During prohibition…


Does Michigan’s New Law Require Police to Properly Administer Roadside Sobriety Tests?

Nearly all drunk driving arrests in Michigan consist of four parts; (1) some sort of bad driving leading to a traffic stop, (2) roadside or “field sobriety tests,” (3) roadside breath test for alcohol, or saliva test for drugs, and; (4) second breath or blood test to confirm roadside test.…


In Michigan DUI Cases Prosecutors have Duty to Provide Evidence of your Innocence

If you are charged with drunk driving in Michigan the prosecutor has a legal and ethical duty to provide your attorney with any evidence that might be helpful to your defense.  This includes things like police reports, witness statements, video recordings or chemical tests. This legal obligation was affirmed in…

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