
Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog


Is it Possible to Avoid Jail on a Child Pornography Charge in Michigan?

Michigan’s criminal charges involving child pornography are rigorously enforced and harshly punished. For this reason, avoiding jail time on a child pornography (or, Child Sexually Abusive Material (CSAM), in Michigan) case can be extremely difficult. This is true whether the case involves possession, distribution or production of material that includes…


Is Weed Legal in Michigan? Cannabis Laws, Michigan Marijuana

Is marijuana legal in Michigan? Marijuana weed possession laws in different states can be confusing. The drug possession laws in the State of Michigan are no different. Federal law criminalizes possession of small amount of marijuana, yet a growing number of states only have enacted civil penalties or no penalties…


DUI Expungement in Michigan – Talk to Our Lawyers First

A drunk driving conviction has lifelong consequences. Long after your driver’s license has been restored, you’ll still have the DUI conviction on your permanent record. The good news is that the expungement laws in Michigan for DUI cases have recently been changed. This means your conviction involving an operating while…


Police Car Dash Cam Video and MI DUI/OWI Cases

Most police agencies in Michigan use dash cams to record citizen interactions. This means that if you’ve been arrested for DUI or Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) in Michigan, there is an excellent chance that a dash-cam video exists. Every drunk driving arrest is different, and not every video recording is…


What Does a Michigan Driver License Restoration Cost?

Expect to pay between four and seven thousand dollars for a Michigan driver license restoration lawyer. However, the cost of your license restoration lawyer will depend on a variety of factors. First among them is likely to be their years of experience, with a close second being their location. Lawyers…

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