Grand Rapids Probation For DUI Charges
If you are convicted of DUI in Grand Rapids, then you will be placed on probation, usually for a minimum of one year. The purpose of probation is to assure that you are transitioning well from the conviction back into normal life and normal driving. During your probation you will be required to do many things, like abstain from drugs and alcohol, complete community service, and usually some form of alcohol or drug counseling. If you fail to complete all of these things, then you will be served with an order to "show cause" as to why you should not be held in contempt of court for failing to do what the judge told you to do.
Judges do all of this because they believe that driving under the influence (DUI) is an offense that should carry serious consequences. If you are caught operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of .08% or higher, you may be charged with drunk driving and sentenced to penalties such as jail time, community services, fines, and the loss of driving privileges. You may also be sentenced to Michigan DUI probation.
Length of ProbationThe length of Michigan DUI probation depends on the jurisdiction and the factors involved in the case. In the case of a DUI misdemeanor offense, your probation period may range from 12-18 months. Sometimes, in rare cases, there is no probation, non-reporting probation, or probation period of less than one year. If you have prior DUI convictions on your record, or cause an accident while intoxicated, your probation period may be increased.
You may be ordered to attend drug and alcohol education classes and/or treatment as part of your probation. These sentences are intended to deter offenders from driving under the influence in the future. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your case, you may also be ordered to abstain from drinking alcohol.
RequirementsCompletely understanding and abiding by the terms of your probation is important. You will be assigned to a probation officer who may require you to check in periodically to make sure you are meeting the conditions of your sentence. These conditions may include following your vehicle restrictions and attending alcohol counseling and DUI School.
If a convicted DUI offender commits a new crime while still on probation, he or she may be sentenced to enhanced penalties, which may include increased jail time, new fines, and a longer probation period.
The Department of Motor Vehicles may suspend or revoke your driving privileges while you are on probation; however, you may be eligible for a limited driving permit which allows you to drive to and from work, school, and other necessary locations. If you are caught driving to an unapproved location with a suspended or revoked license, you may face additional consequences.
Benefit of an AttorneyIf you have a pending DUI case, contact The Barone DUI Defense Firm today. Their attorneys can answer any questions you have regarding Michigan DUI probation and other possible consequences. Receive a free DUI case evaluation and complimentary copy of The Michigan DUI Book (A Citizen's Handbook on Fighting a Michigan DUI Case) by submitting your case information in our online form.