Grand Rapids Prostitution Lawyer
Dealing with a prostitution charge can be incredibly difficult for everyone involved. While the details of the case may vary, they most certainly will cause a person’s character to be called into question. This kind of damage to an individual’s reputation can be life-altering, and could leave a person questioning what their next move should be.
Sometimes someone’s reputation may be called into question for no reason. The police could make an honest mistake and arrest someone for prostitution, even though they were never even prostituting themselves, to begin with.
It is important to remember that being arrested and having a police report filed against you is only the first step in the judicial process. There are plenty of chances to refute what is in those reports and restore your public reputation.
Prostitution charges vary in scope and size, with some cases being more demanding than others. Criminal defense lawyers with confidence in this range of quality work should give you the confidence to know that whatever your specific needs, there is a Grand Rapids prostitution lawyer that will be able to help you with whatever your case demands. Role of an Attorney
When a person is charged with a prostitution-related crime, it is only natural that they would worry about the seriousness of the situation. The consequences of being convicted can negatively impact the rest of a person’s life. Many people have difficulty passing background checks, securing employment, and even establishing decent credit.
However, many people will still consider representing themselves instead of retaining the services of an experienced prostitution lawyer. What they do not understand is that the prosecution will consist of a team of people who are vastly experienced and knowledgeable about the subject matter.
The prosecution will be looking to obtain a conviction and will use their professional experience to put the defendant at a disadvantage. Trying to represent oneself may seem pragmatic at the moment, but it could put a person’s future in serious jeopardy and hurt any chances they had of lessening their sentence or being proven innocent.
A well-versed attorney will know the specifics of prostitution law and will be able to effectively apply their knowledge to each case. They will work non-stop to provide clients with a robust defense and will seek to obtain the best outcome possible for each individual case.
Important Michigan LawsMichigan laws regarding prostitution can be found in sections 750.448-750.462 of the Michigan Penal Code. Michigan criminal law defines prostitution as the act of engaging in sexual activity for pay.
Anyone who is convicted of prostitution as a first or second offense in Grand Rapids is guilty of a misdemeanor. There are generally increased penalties handed down for second offenses. A person charged with a third or subsequent offense could face a felony conviction depending on the judge.
Related CrimesWhile the act of prostitution is classified as a misdemeanor offense, many sex crimes related to prostitution are punishable by higher penalties. These crimes include solicitation, pimping, and pandering, and are typically viewed as even more offensive than actual prostitution. Convictions of pimping and pandering can carry much greater penalties if the crime involves minors.
SolicitationUnder Michigan law, solicitation is a two-party transaction where the person charged with solicitation has approached another person and offered to pay them for sex. A person is not allowed to accost, solicit, or invite a person in a public place to engage in the act of prostitution.
First and second-time offenders will be charged with a misdemeanor, with increased penalties for a second-time offense. Depending on the judge, a third offense conviction could result in a felony charge.
Pimping or PanderingPimping, or pandering, in Michigan, is the procuring of a prostitute for another person and is considered a felony. Pimps and panderers act as the liason between the solicitor and the prostitute. They typically handle all of the financial arrangements that take place before and after the transaction is completed.
Inducing a person to become a prostitute is classified as a felony in Michigan. However, it is important to note that pandering on behalf of a person who is already a prostitute is not considered an inducement under Michigan law. It is also important to know that anyone found sharing in the profits of a prostitute is guilty of a felony and will be charged accordingly.
Contact a Grand Rapids Prostitution Attorney TodayIf you have been charged with prostitution or any prostitution-related crime, it is strongly recommended that you seek Grand Rapids prostitution legal counsel as soon as possible. A prostitution charge can damage a person’s reputation and can severely limit the quality of a person’s life. An attorney will be able to guide you through the legal process and will try to restore your good name by providing you with a positive outcome.
During these types of situations, many people will get flustered and start to believe that a prostitution charge means that they will be convicted of the crime. It is important to not fall into this trap and understand that the attorney you hire will be able to deal with all of the circumstances that may affect the outcome of your case.
These circumstances may initially make you look guilty, so it is vital that you keep a positive frame of mind and understand that without a conviction, a prostitution charge does not automatically make you a criminal.
If you have been charged with prostitution in the Grand Rapids area, you should contact an attorney who will defend your legal rights by reviewing the case, conducting a thorough investigation, and by presenting a solid defense in court. When these steps are followed, there is a greater chance that you will obtain a positive outcome and will be able to continue your life without a prostitution conviction hanging over your head.