Holland Theft Lawyer
Holland theft charges can result in spending up to ten years in prison, paying hefty fines, and being civilly liable to store owners. It can also mean having a criminal record which can affect obtaining a job, renting an apartment, and receiving financial aid. If you are facing theft charges in Holland, consider contacting an experienced Holland theft lawyer. Let an attorney review the charges against you and determine what legal defenses may be available for you to pursue. Read on to learn more about how a dedicated defense attorney could offer you their assistance today.
How Does Holland Define Theft?Holland defines the crime of theft as larceny. According to Michigan Statute Sec. 750.356, an individual commits larceny if they steal property that belongs to another individual, including property such as:
- Money
- Goods
- Receipts
- Real estate deeds
- Public records
The prosecution is able to prove that the defendant took the items with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of those goods, and knew that they did not have the owner’s permission to have them. A skilled Holland theft lawyer can be a valuable asset to a defendant by providing a strong defense against these elements. Reach out to a qualified criminal defense attorney to learn more.
Potential PenaltiesHolland law recognizes theft crimes as both misdemeanors and felonies, and the category of theft will depend on the value of the goods or services stolen. Prior convictions can result in the prosecution elevating charges to a higher level, as well as facing civil lawsuits against the owners of the stolen property. In fact, under Michigan law, an individual may be held civilly liable for the full retail price of the stolen property if it is not returned, and could also be held liable for civil damages of up to ten times the retail price of the property not exceeding $200.
Petty TheftGoods or services valued at less than $200 will generally result in petty (petit) theft charges which are a misdemeanor. A conviction for this charge may result in spending up to 90 days in prison and paying fines of up to $500 or three times the price of the goods or services taken, whichever amount is greater.
Second-Degree TheftGoods or services valued between $200 and $1000 result in a second-degree theft charge, which is also a misdemeanor offense. A conviction could result in spending up to one year in prison and paying fines of up to $2000 or three times the price of the goods or services that were taken, whichever amount is greater.
Felony ChargesGoods or services valued between $1,000 and $20,000 result in felony charges and can result in spending up to five years in prison and paying fines of up to $10,000 or three times the value of the goods or services taken, whichever amount is greater. A conviction for stealing goods valued higher than $20,000 could result in spending up to ten years in prison and paying up to a $15,000 fine or three times the amount of the stolen property value, whichever amount is greater.
Working with a Holland Theft LawyerEven petty theft charges may result in prison time. As the potential consequences become steeper, it becomes more important to have capable legal representation ensure your rights are safe. If you are facing theft charges, consider contacting an experienced Holland theft lawyer today. Let an attorney review the charges against you and evaluate every legal defense that may be available to you. Reach out to a professional Holland theft lawyer for your initial consultation.