Kent County Traffic Lawyer
Police write many tickets in Kent County every day for a variety of different kinds of violations. While some may think of a traffic ticket as a mere annoyance, some traffic violations have serious consequences, and if left unresolved, these simple matters can often morph into expensive and time-consuming issues. This can happen simply because the proper procedures have not been followed.
If you have been issued a traffic violation, contact an experienced Kent County traffic lawyer at the Barone Defense Firm to review the violation and determine if you may have defenses against it. An experienced traffic defense attorney can help decide the best cause of action to resolve the matter.
Common Traffic ViolationsThe most common traffic violations involve speed and other compliance violations such as running a red light. However, traffic violations come in all shapes and sizes and some, like DUI, can have lifetime consequences.
In Michigan, traffic violations can be classified as misdemeanors or felonies. For example, a a third offense DUI is a traffic violation that is classified as felony punishable by up to 5 years in jail. Also, traffic violations resulting in death or serious injury also are punishable by long period of incarceration. Whatever the case, it is important to keep in mind that many types of violations have significant consequences, including points and higher insurance rates.
Points on Driving RecordMost traffic violations can add points to a person’s driving record and put their ability to maintain a license in jeopardy. In Michigan, an individual will receive a warning letter if they receive eight points within a two-year time frame.
Receiving 12 points within a two-year time frame may result in the state reviewing a driver’s record and taking further action, such as suspending their license, requiring that they take a driver safety course, or something similar.
Points might drop off your driving record after a few years, but traffic offenses can never be removed from your criminal history. This means that a DUI conviction, or a conviction for reckless driving, is a lifetime event. It will always be on criminal history.
After a simple search, you can find online charts prepared by the Michigan Secretary of State that list out the numbers of points assessed for each kind of violation.
Higher Insurance RatesMost insurance companies raise rates for those who have points on their records. The theory is simple: points represent violations based on unsafe driving habits. Also, convictions for certain kinds of traffic offenses can result in your being dropped from insurance altogether because you are considered too high risk. This includes all kinds of intoxicated driving. Once you are dropped, you will be forced to buy high risk insurance, which is very expensive and not very comprehensive.
Unsafe drivers have a higher tendency to be in accidents, so insurance companies consider them to be a greater risk. They transfer that risk to the driver in the form of higher premiums. So, resolving traffic violations can save a driver money in the long run.
How a Kent County Traffic Attorney Can HelpIf you have been issued a traffic violation, you must generally respond within 10 to 21 days. Failure to do so could result in the suspension of your driving privileges. Contact a Kent County traffic lawyer at the Barone Defense Firm today to maintain your ability to drive on Michigan’s roadways.