Oakland County Sex Crimes Lawyer
Getting falsely accused of a sex crime can be terrifying and humiliating, and it is normal to feel angry and confused. Why would someone accuse me of such an awful act? Will anyone believe me? These are questions that accused individuals often ask themselves after finding out someone has made false accusations against them.
If you have been charged with a sex crime, an Oakland County sex crimes lawyer may be able to help you clear your name and obtain the justice you seek. Contact a skilled criminal attorney to learn more about the full nature of sex crime charges in Michigan.
Consequences of a Sex Crime ConvictionBeing arrested, charged, and convicted of a sex crime can be life-changing, and even if a person is not convicted in court, they may find that their standing in their community is permanently damaged.
If a person is actually convicted of a sex crime, they can face consequences such as jail time, forced registration as a sex offender, job loss, inability to apply for college or financial aid, and loss of voting privileges. Being forced to register as a sex offender can also make it more difficult for the convicted person to find housing or employment.
Reasons Behind False AllegationsThere are many reasons individuals decide to make false sex crime allegations, but when they do, their allegations have the power to destroy the life of the person on the receiving end.
Making a false allegation, or coercing another person to do so is immoral and illegal, especially when children are involved. Individuals often make false accusations against others for the reasons below:
- To embarrass or humiliate the other person
- To punish or get revenge against a teacher, parent, or another authority figure
- To gain leverage in a custody battle
- In an attempt to extort money or blackmail the other person
- To ruin the reputation of the other person
Even if the allegations are completely false, the accused individual will need to hire an Oakland County sex crimes lawyer to defend them against the charges they are facing.
Classifications of Sex CrimesThe law makes a distinction between numerous types of sex crimes, but they are all serious in nature, and can have devastating consequences for the individuals convicted of them. If a person is charged with any of the sex crimes listed below, they should consult an Oakland County sex crimes lawyer at their earliest convenience.
When a person forces another person to have sexual intercourse against their will, they can be charged with rape. Making unwanted sexual advances or remarks to another person can result in a sexual harassment.
Understanding Consent-Related OffensesForcing a person to have unwanted sexual contact (not intercourse) is known as sexual assault. Sexual battery occurs when an individual knowingly has sexual contact with a person who is unable to give consent. When a person has sexual contact with a person under the age of 13, they are charged with child molestation. In the state of Michigan, having sexual contact with a person between ages of 13 and 15 constitutes statutory rape.
A conviction for many of the crimes above can result in years behind bars. If you have been charged with a sex crime, you may be feeling powerless and scared. This is normal, but as soon as you are able, you must contact an experienced Oakland County sex crimes lawyer.