helps people win back their lives
DUI Penalties in Michigan: OWI Consequences Infographic Grid
- OWI Meaning
- What’s OWI?
- Top-Rated OWI Attorneys-Statewide Coverage
- OWI Charge, First Offense: What to Expect?
- OWI 2nd Offense Michigan
- OWI 3rd Offense
- 1st Offense OWI License Suspension
- MI OWI Expungement
- OWI Lawyer
- Michigan and National Law Book Author
Our hand-picked team of DUI defense lawyers offers clients a flexible payment plan to fit each person’s budget. Additionally, the Michigan OWI lawyers near me offer a free, confidential consultation virtually, in person or over the phone.
This initial call (when made in time) has saved many Michiganders their ability to keep driving. Read below how (as soon as you are arrested for OWI in Michigan), a 14-day deadline begins to count down.
WARNING! MICHIGAN 14-DAY TIME LIMIT – This applies to any arrested DUI driver who refused to submit to the post-arrest test. This would have been requested after arrest, for her or his breath alcohol, blood, or urine.
Contact our Super Lawyers 24 hours a day at our criminal defense team’s easy to recall toll-free number, 1-877-ALL-MICH or 877-255-6424, for a free criminal case review.
This administrative license suspension goes into effect after that OWI arrest occurs. Assuming that you were lawfully arrested for operating while intoxicated or for DUI-drugs in Michigan, your Michigan license (or privilege to drive in the State of Michigan, for those licensed by another state) is at risk of being suspended.
You must get help and demand an administrative hearing. Failing to take appropriate action within 14 days after your arrest means that you will be left without the ability to drive. This failure to appeal causes you to lose all ability to drive in Michigan. Obtain more information and legal help to save your driver’s license NOW before it’s too late. Michigan laws do not allow the deadline to be extended.
These books were authored by Patrick T. Barone, founder of Barone Defense Firm. Why not trust the Michigan law firm led by the Man who Wrote the Books!